Support Christian Academy Schools

Can anything be more important in today’s troubled and changing world than investing in a child’s future? Christian Academy Schools strive to equip and inspire students to be the next generation of Christ-Centered leaders through academic excellence, building personal character, calling to Christ, developing hearts of service and gratitude, and engaging the world.

Consider making a gift to Christian Academy. The General Fund comprises unrestricted giving from all sources that support all school programs and activities. Teacher salaries, scholarship aid, library books, technology and building maintenance are all funded in part by annual giving. Without a vibrant General Fund, tuition would have to be raised to support these programs, thus the General Fund enables the school to keep tuition at an affordable level for area families. You can contribute to our General Fund quickly and securely online using any major credit card or by contacting us directly.

Additionally, we accept:

  • Gifts in Kind
  • Non-cash gifts of property such as computers, books, scientific equipment, art materials, etc.
    also make important gifts.

The fair market value of such items is deductible for income tax purposes.

CAS also hosts several fundraising events throughout the year; our Annual Faith Banquet, the CAS Walk-a-Thon in May, and Annual Mum Sale in September.

For more information, contact Denise McPheron
at (937) 492-7556 or

Give a student the chance to attend Christian Academy!